Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It's been two weeks, oops

I've been working on Bee Blocks and my big, pearl bracelets quilt, so I haven't really felt the blogging pull. But I finished all the bee blocks and they're wending their way across the country to their new homes this week. Here is the set all together before I sent them out. These blocks each took a little over an hour and a half to make. Each section has 7 sections and with 12 sections per block that's 84 pieces to each one. That said, I made it through a lot of Sex and the City and Entourage. HBO Go is a great thing for rewatching old series.


  1. They are amazing blocks! But I'm not sure I'd have the patience to go through all 84 pieces for each one. Congratulations, cos you did and they all turned out stunning!

  2. Fantastic blocks! I love netflix and hulu plus for when I am doing a marathon sewing session.


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