As I've gotten more into quilting, I've decided that I want to be able to do more. So after lots of research about different machines, and the different features, I settled on a Pfaff Ambition 1.0 - one of the really nice features of the high end Pfaff's is the IDT, as they call it, or built in walking foot as I call it. It also has an alphabet so I can embroider letters, 136 different stiches, and light! There are 3 LEDs lighting up the sewing area. The rest of the particulars can be found here: Pfaff Comparison Sheet.
And now, you can see a small bit of where I sew. I have a tiny apartment - 284sq ft for a kitchen, bathroom, and bed/living room. Over the summer I lofted my queen bed to have a lot more space. And it has made all the difference.